Events & Eco Projects

The Eco News supports, sponsors, donates and contributes to many Sustainable and Eco Projects, Events and Charities. Discover below our most recent projects, but also scroll through our history. The only way to make a difference is to be involved and supportive to others who are trying to make world change, our planet needs us more than ever. If you see a project that you would like to be involved in please do get in touch.

OR… Do you run a project and would like a little hand? contact us and see how we can support you!

Happy HabitART Competition

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Ambassadors for 4ocean

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We Sponsor Quartz Inn Hotels

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Eco Festival

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Green Sundays

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Haverhill Tree Wardens

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The company provides either a monetary donation or other tangible support to a registered charity on an ongoing basis.

The brand is involved in projects or initiatives that benefit the community and which go beyond their typical products, services and activities for direct commercial gains.