COP27 – A defining moment in the fight against climate change


Posted 2 years ago

Where is it being held for 2022? Egypt will host the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh

Why is it important? The world needs to make global change, our temperatures are rising, our climates and season are dramatically changing and only WE can save it.

What happened last year? Pledge to halt all deforestation by 2030, signing of the Glasgow Climate Pact, the UK set a target for all of UK electricity to come from clean sources by 2035 and more than 100 countries agree to reduce methane emissions by 2030.

What do we hope to see? Adapting too climate change has become more important as the frequency of natural events linked to climate change appears to be rising very quickly. Examples such as the recent floods in Pakistan, hurricanes in the US, and the crazy wildfires in Australia. We do not anticipate any concrete outcomes but expect countries to continue to enhance their understanding of climate adaptation and firm up targets to help achieve it.

Last year, The Eco News was happy to be at the UK conference, papers were available to collect and take home for free and it was a major success for us to connect with more likeminded people who are wanting to make a difference! So let’s hope leaders can continue to bring change!

#cop27 #climatechange