Choose Vegan Friendly Be at One for Compassionate Glamour ….. Empower Your Beauty


Posted 4 months ago

Be at One is the definitive vegan make-up brand. It’s the brainchild of vegan campaigner Heather Mills and Milena Thacker, the make-up artist and model. 

The Be at One collection, which is available via is specifically designed to be gentle and nourishing on the skin without using any animal derivatives.

 Heather Mills said, 

“Be at One combines beautiful make-up with vegan integrity. The name is from being at one with the planet, yourself and animals. I have wanted to create a vegan make up brand for over two decades and finally found the perfect business partner in Milena.” 

Standard make-up typically employs animal products that are disguised using technical names. 

For example, shark liver is called squalene and can be used in skin products, pig fat is called glycerine … and can be found in lipstick and even toothpaste…… crushed female beetles that produce the red in bright lipstick, is known as carmine.*

Heather continues,

Make-up brands need to be clear about the ingredients they use. After all, our skin is our largest organ. Incorporating animal products, and trying to disguise them, is disrespectful to the humans using the make-up and the sentient beings sacrificed for our vanity.

Be at One represents a movement towards compassion and sustainability. With an increasing number of consumers embracing a vegan lifestyle, the demand for cosmetics free from animal derived ingredients is skyrocketing. This demand reflects a growing awareness of the impact our choices have on animals, the planet, and our own well-being.” 

The Be at One make-up collection is formulated and manufactured in Italy to the highest standards. The range is entirely free of all animal products and derivatives, and none of the individual ingredients or finished products have been tested on animals. 

Milena, who has directed the formulation of the brand, said, 

“Our quest for vegan ingredients has not compromised the professional standard and beauty of the brand. It has only added to its quality and appeal. I’ve worked with make-up my entire career. 

Be At One is exceptional in the way it looks and feels on the skin. And it outperforms most other make-up on the market without using any animal products.  

There is no question, Be at One is the future of make-up.”