Rescued green iguana “Eddie Lizard” finds his forever home at the Oceanarium, Bournemouth


Posted 1 year ago

On 26th August 2023 the Oceanarium, The Bournemouth Aquarium re-homed Eddie Lizard the Green Iguana, who was rescued by Brighton RSPCA earlier this year in January.

Eddie was abandoned in freezing temperatures on a stranger’s doorway, inside a plastic box with just a blanket and towel for warmth. Iguanas are endothermic so need to be kept warm to survive, requiring a heat lamp. Eddie was very lucky to survive the ordeal. The Oceanarium encourages pet owners to conduct more research into animal needs prior to taking on the responsibility. The cost, time and needs some animals require, are often overshadowed.

Over the last 25 years the Oceanarium has worked closely with the RSPCA and UK customs to re-home numerous creatures, some of which have been significantly linked to the illegal pet trade. Oliver Buttling, Oceanarium Curator said

“We are very pleased to be able to give Eddie a forever home following the suffering he endured. It is very sad to think there are people out there who think it’s okay to treat animals in that way. I want to stress that pet owners need to be aware of the full requirements prior to taking on any animal. We are very excited to see how Eddie gets on at the Oceanarium. Already he has settled in well and is very active. He enjoys climbing and sitting in his pool. My dedicated team and I will be giving him the highest standards of husbandry and are delighted to take care of him.”

Eddie now lives in a purpose-built iguana enclosure with tree trunks, plants, and a pool, along with shelves and structures to provide basking spots. He is settling in well and is very happy in his new surroundings. Visitors of the Oceanarium can now see Eddie in the Amazonian mud hut themed enclosure at the top of the stairs. Open daily from 10am, visitors to the Oceanarium can save when buying tickets online in advance.

For more information about the Oceanarium – The Bournemouth Aquarium and to keep up to date with news and special offers please visit