WIN an IPAD and READLY Subscription! How climate friendly are your reading habits?


Posted 1 year ago

New figures from unlimited digital magazine and newspaper app Readly show that two thirds of people (69 percent) believe it is important that their reading habits are climate friendly and 1 in 4  have broadened their consumption of content over the last few years to obtain a more considered, balanced opinion and counteract fake news.

Tips to becoming a climate friendly, ethically empowered reader include:

1. Choose to read content from responsible publishers, sources or on an app that has a strong ethical reading policy, with diversity of verified news reporting.

2. Read a breath of titles to form your opinion, be inspired and gain knowledge on how to live a sustainable lifestyle: read national, international and regional news, lifestyle and specialist. Podcasts are a great complement to reading too.

3. Think about what you share on social media and fact check before sharing, to ensure it is from a verified trusted source.

4. Read around global issues that affect people and the environment such as climate change, war, inflation and global health. 15 % of people said they have learnt about global issues on the Readly app. Form an opinion based on facts and make positive behaviour choices. 

5. Consider paying for trusted, verified journalism via a subscription to a reading app or titles that you trust.

Readly is providing subscribers with responsible content and countering the spread of fake news. To encourage you to do the same, Readly is giving away an iPad and an annual Readly subscription to it’s unlimited digital magazine and reading app.

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